I can provide sessions in English for companies since I am a qualified sophrologist, hypnotherapist and English teacher. I have spent a few years in English-speaking countries (Northern Ireland, Australia + short stays in the US and the UK).
Offering this type of services is a perfect way for me to put my different passions together and for you to benefit from this synergy.
The sessions can be held for groups or individuals. They can be short-term or be scheduled for a longer period of time. They are generally held on your premises and a quiet place is required.
Please feel free to contact me so we can discuss your needs and requirements.
Why sophrology and hypnosis for companies ?
Health and wellness sessions are now an important part of human resource programmes because companies recognise that employees’ health is a key ingredient of any successful enterprise. The effective tools of sophrology and hypnosis can be brought into your company. Your collaborators will learn simple yet efficient techniques that they will be able to reproduce in their daily lives, both at home and at work.
Investing in your collaborators’ health and well-being can be highly beneficial as it can:
- reduce stress and help manage emotions
- improve confidence
- improve public speaking skills
- boost creativity
- create a better work environment and reduce tensions, sick leaves and turnover